Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome! And, sorry about being so late...

This first post of the year is a little too late, but nevertheless, carries some important information.

Welcome to geology at BHS! We will have a good time this year, both in class and in the field!

Currently, we are exploring topics in chapter 5, weathering and soils. Tomorrow, we will be in the computer lab delving into the topic of soils in more detail. We'll wrap up weathering on Thursday, but we'll also take a rather unrelated sidebar into the topic of hydrofracking. Monday, Pablo Cuevas, a local member of the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors, will be here to talk to us about the possibility of a test well being drilled in the Bergton area sometime in the future. What is hydrofracking? I've posted a couple of links, from both sides of the debate in the "links" section of the blog.

Our next quiz, on chapter 5 will be on September 22nd (the day prior the Autumnal Equinox...the beginning of fall). Your homework, chapter 5 review questions and vocabulary, will also be due on that day.

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