Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mineral Identification

Well, we've been doing everyone's favorite geology lab...mineral identification! Where we explore cleavage and fracture, hardness and luster, specific gravity and color, all with the goal of giving a name to some unknown sample of something you'll maybe never see again in your life. Who hoooo! Actually, that's not the point. The point is that we are exploring how the chemical make-up of something can profoundly impact its physical properities. Most of you haven't finished. We'll work on it some more next week.

In the mean time...

1) Field trip to the Bowers-Campbell Zinc Mine tomorrow! Wear old shoes!
2) Minerals/mining quiz next Tuesday
3) Chapter 2 quiz on September 28th....and there just might be a question whose answer may appear here. Be vigilant!

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