Below are graphs assembled by the Geology BRCC class at Broadway that show the empirical data from our study of the groundwater chemistry in Bergton, VA. The sites have been numbered to protect the anonymity of well owner. These private wells average about 50 ft in depth and are drilled in siliciclastic rocks west of Brocks Gap, VA. The data was collected and analyzed in part, in the field, using an electronic conductivity, pH, Salinity meter and an alkalinity field titration kit. The anions and cations were analyzed in the James Madison University geology department's groundwater geochemistry lab using a Varian AA240 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Cations) and a Dionex DX-120 Ion Chromatograph (Anions). More data, taken from the carbonate rocks east of Brock's Gap, is forthcoming, as is a fuller interpretation of the entire data set.

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