Friday, May 20, 2011

The Bergton Project is Complete! Check it out! (You'll need Google Earth, though!)

The Geology BRCC students at Broadway have worked hard, but their effort has paid off. Check out their work by downloading the .kmz file here (It should open automatically in Google Earth, if you already have it installed. If you don't, you can download and install it for free, here.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today's Activity

In class today, Geology BRCC folks, we will be using an online activity through the Earth Exploration Toolbox. Our purpose is to analyze plate motion using GPS data that has been collected via GPS monuments in northwestern Washington State. The directions are straightforward and easy to follow.

You may not be able to download the data directly for the SEAT site. If not, then use the already prepared data file provided by the activity.

You can access the lab here.

I will need to take some screen shots of your work during the period. I will either save them on my flash drive or on public files. In either case, I'll be walking around looking for good be on task! :):)