Monday, March 29, 2010

Soon, I'll be leaving you...but I'll be back!

First, I've posted all of the notes that I didn't post earlier as well as the notes that you'll most likely be doing in the future. I've given my substitute some latitude as to what chapters she might choose to do with you, but just in case, I've included the chapter 17 notes as well, as that is the chapter that I would be doing with you if I were there. Be nice! I know that I can count on you. She plans on doing much of your gradingn, after all!

Finally, I will update this blog at some point with information about the new little guy, in case you're curious. I may even include a photo...just depends upon whether I feel like opening him up to the web at such a young age...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Silly Chinese...

Ok, because some Chinese folks thought that it would be a good idea to hack into Google servers and because Google decided to change the way that they encrypt data, I can't post from school until central office reworks some things. Ho hum.....

Anyway, we've begun a new unit on the running water, chapter 9, and will continue with groundwater, chapter 10. My two favorites! Next to geologic dating, fossils, and origins, of course. Sometime during all of this, my wife and I will have another baby and you'll be blessed with a reprieve from me. Ha! Until then, we have a quiz next Tuesday over chapter 9! Don't forget that homework!

Congrats to those groups whose projects were funded. Nice job!