Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weathering and Dirt...uh, I mean, Soils!

Ok, so it's not as explosive a topic as volcanoes....

But we get to talk about cryoturbation and unloading!!!!

Seriously, in this chapter, we'll explore everything from the two main types of weathering, mechanical and chemical, to the structure and composition of soils...though on that topic we could spend an entire semester. We won't.

Our next field trip is currently scheduled for November 10th. We'll be walking across the street to spend some time at Linville Creek Church of the Brethren's cemetery. Sound like fun! I thought so! Check out their website...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


There are several types of volcanoes, and these types depend upon the geologic setting in which you find them as well as the chemistry of the magma that feeds them. Today, we began our brief exploration of volcanoes. I say brief, because by the end of next week, we will be finishing this chapter. But, not before we've had the opportunity to explore a number of historically significant eruptions, as well as learn a bit about their chemistry, setting, and hazards.

Those of you who missed the notes due to the field trip, be sure to download them! They're rather minimalist this time...but with a little reading, I believe that none of you will have any problem interpreting them!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Igneous Rock Identification

Phaneritic, Aphanitic, Porphyritic, Pyroclastic....confused yet?

Not after today! We explored how to identify igneous rocks today. We discovered the nuances of texture, mineral composition, and also learned that no rock fits perfectly into a category.

Monday, we review chapter 3. Our quiz won't occur until October 14th, but don't forget to study!